
My team is not right. They are passing through some phase, or at least that’s how it looks. I know that sports are not just about winning. It can’t be all the time like that. But, you know when the team you support it ain’t just a trifle, just a trend, it hurts. I don’t … More Basketball,


i’ve got this feeling inside… of hollowness… i don’t know why, but it seems like i cannot fill it up anymore… with anythin… another day, i wake up in the mornin, but with no purpose, just like a machine… what’s really hard for me to actually sense is that even music, even music can’t help … More hollow

my mind was twisted by some demons during my lifetime

How this people can be? Well, maybe it’s not correct, maybe I shouldn’t say they are actually people. Because they behave demonic, not human. I had the unfortunate luck to meet some people like this during these past years. And I wanna take time to write about them, because yesterday I’ve been thru a messed … More my mind was twisted by some demons during my lifetime


now what? now what?? i keep on askin this question and i don’t hear any answer. i wonder why? did i ever hear answers? or i just thought i did and i went further. nowhere to stay nowhere to go. why am i here? why was i ever here, or there? for what? 1000 questions … More ?

Cocoa smell

Yea… it comes off my skin and it reminds me of… you…damn. I eradicated the no. 1 problem in my life, I finally managed to let you go, after 3 damn years of unknown pain, I understood what was happenin and I let you go. I wrote you a beautiful email explainin to you everythin … More Cocoa smell

My life

My so funny life… 1stly… the past months have been so crazy that now I am so confused that I even can’t take a decision anymore, what I still know is that I wanna get out of here and forget about everythin and that’s it. But when some peope simply take advantage of it and … More My life