
My team is not right. They are passing through some phase, or at least that’s how it looks. I know that sports are not just about winning. It can’t be all the time like that. But, you know when the team you support it ain’t just a trifle, just a trend, it hurts.

I don’t go to the gym cuz we’ve got a black dude and a mixed one in the team. I don’t go to the gym just when we win 17 games outta 18 and nobody else does that.

I’ve been there years ago when this team was fighting, but wasn’t succeeding. I was there because I wanned to. Because basketball, among music is my life.

I live to go to the court. Those 2 hours I’m there, I am alive. Music is my healing. No doubt. But basketball makes me alive. The joy I feel when I’m there is uncompareable and it’s not to be explained. It’s just to be felt.

I am so sad to see my team strugglin. And why it’s so hard, is because when there are ups and downs, you don’t expect much, you just go there, support them as you can and here it goes. But when this team became a superpower, out of nothing, like a Phoenix bird, and they’ve used us with winning, and winning, when nobody else did it like this, the feeling of disappointment is bigger.

Yesterday, I almost died in the court. It can’t be like that. It simply can’t.

I screamed, I yelled, I cursed in all the languages, my soul died for a second, we finally got the win in the last second, but damn, I got out of that court mad as hell. I didn’t know if I should jump in the court and hug somebody, or just, just leave and scream my nerves away.

I have no clue what is happening, I know we can’t always win, but basketball, my love, I’m in pain. My soul pains. And I rarely feel this kinda hurt.

I will always be there, one way or another. And like a mom that has a child and it has been hurt, I am hurt now. Bounce back babiez, we need y’all! We need y’all to shine, in order for us to feel our souls alive!

Grateful for y’all! Mad love for basketball and my beloved team! All my prayers and good energy are going towards y’all!

One Big Pure Love,


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